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Since 1993

Skilling for Success

Infinitum in Latin means forevermore. Skills Infinitum lives the motto of limitless learning. We promise what we can deliver and deliver what we promise. We cater to your and your organization’s skill development by embarking on the most relevant path for you. We partner with you in:

Content Creation, E learning and Instructor Led Training in the areas of:

Communication Skills | Behavioural Skills | Coaching | Leadership Skills | Facilitation Skills

Our approach leverages Coaching, where needed.

We partner with you and offer professional coaching services to help you in your journey from being where you are to where you want to be and actualizing your potential.


Life Coaching

Coaching is a partnership to take you from where you are to where you want to be. The process enables the coach to listen and question you to empower you to think, action and create for yourself a path, clarity and stepping stones to change.

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Learning Facilitation

Our focus is to facilitate learning that reflects in the everyday thoughts, behavior and actions. We partner in enhancing Communication, Leadership, Behavioral and Facilitation Skills. Some of our programs are Assertiveness, Empathy, Conflict Management, Cross Cultural Interaction and Cohesion, Leading Impactfully to name a few. Every learning program is customized and enriched as per your team's skill requirement.

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Motivational Storytelling

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today." --Robert McKee

Storytelling greatly adds to facilitation and positively impacts learning. Stories get people to think, to introspect and inspire them to action. We share stories and encourage people to use them as a tool for self-exploration and expression. Aditi is a seasoned and certified storyteller, who leaves audiences enthralled and inspired.

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